1 – Listen to the song and complete the song with the verbs below in the Present Perfect
I __________________ my dues
Time after time
I __________________ my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I __________________ a few
I __________________ my share of sand
Kicked in my face
But I ________________ through
We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting
Till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
Cause we are champions of the world
I____________________ my bows
And my curtain calls
You ____________________ me fame and fortune
And everything that goes with it
I thank you all
But it____________________ no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise
I consider it a challenge before
The whole human race
And I ain't gonna lose
We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting
Till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
Cause we are champions of the world
We are the champions - my friends
And we'll keep on fighting
Till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
Cause we are champions of the world
2 – Confusing verbs
“To Share” is a verb that is confusing for Portuguese speakers, it´s easily confused with the verb “To Divide”.
Can you tell the difference between them? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3 – Collocations
What does “Keep on” mean?
Can you give more collocations with the verb “to keep”? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4 – Informal language
What´s the formal writing form of “Cos´ “? __________________________________________
What´s the formal writing form of “ain´t”? __________________________________________
5 – Time Expressions
The sentence “… and I´d ever lose.” brings the time expression “ever” and it´s very much used in the Present Perfect. Can you tell the other by the mnemonic JEANY SF?
Link with their use.
( ) experience ( ) activities recently finished
( ) actions finished before expected
( ) actions finished after expected or not finished
( ) actions which never happened
( ) quantity of time ( ) from past to present action
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Answer key
I´ve paid
I´ve done
I´ve made
I´ve had
I´ve taken
You´ve brought
It´s been
To Share is two or more people use an object together or separated, but no ownership
To Divide is when an object is fisically split among people or between two people.
Keep on = Continue
Keep up; Keep yourself together;
Cos´= Because
Ain´t = Any negative
Just - Ever - Already - Never - Yet - Since - For
( E ) experience ( J ) activities recently finished
( A ) actions finished before expected
( Y ) actions finished after expected or not finished
( N ) actions which never happened
( F ) quantity of time ( S ) from past to present action

- Teacher Bruno Gon
- Vitória, ES, Brazil
- My name is Bruno, I´m a Brazilian English teacher specialized in Applied Linguistics. Currently I work for a language institute teaching adults and in a regular school teaching elementary and high school. I believe knowledge is something to be shared and that´s why I post my classes to everybody who wants to study/learn English. In the last years I counted and have been counting on many partners who are always there: Adriana Pin, Bhyanka Itaborahy, Claudio Azevedo (Movie Segments), Diego Cassionato (Inglês com Rock) and Dani Bertocchi... You guys are also "guilty" for it. THANK YOU.
segunda-feira, 30 de setembro de 2013
terça-feira, 24 de setembro de 2013
Turner and Hooch - Can for Permissions
Today I bring to you a second class using this classic.
1 – Watch the video segment and check which things are mentioned by Turner.
( ) Run around the house - ( ) Slobbe
( ) Bark - ( ) Chew
( ) Growing - ( ) Wear a flea colar
( ) Sleep in the bed - ( ) Eat on the floor
( ) Lift the leg to things - ( ) Beg for food
( ) Pee in the house - ( ) Snif into crotches
( ) Go under the bed - ( ) Drink from toilet
( ) Touch his things
2 – Write a list of things Hooch has no permission to do:
3 – Do you have pets? What can/ can´t it do?
4 – Vocabulary:
Come to an understanding
What collocations are possible to make with “understanding”? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Get along
What does it mean?
Is there any other way to express the same idea? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you know other collocations using “get”? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
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Answer key
Lift the leg to anything
Wear a flea colar
Beg for food
Snif into crotches
Drink from toilet
Hooch can´t grow
Hooch canpt lift his/its leg to anything in the house
Hooch can´t slobbe
Hooch can´t chew
Hooch can´t beg for food
Hooch can´t snif into crotches
Hooch can´t drink from Turner´s toilet
Student´s personal answers
Reach an understanding - Come to an understanding - Have an understanding
Get along is to have a good relationship. To cope with.
Get over yourself, get lost, get up, get away with, get on, get in, get yourself together.
Today I bring to you a second class using this classic.
1 – Watch the video segment and check which things are mentioned by Turner.
( ) Run around the house - ( ) Slobbe
( ) Bark - ( ) Chew
( ) Growing - ( ) Wear a flea colar
( ) Sleep in the bed - ( ) Eat on the floor
( ) Lift the leg to things - ( ) Beg for food
( ) Pee in the house - ( ) Snif into crotches
( ) Go under the bed - ( ) Drink from toilet
( ) Touch his things
2 – Write a list of things Hooch has no permission to do:
3 – Do you have pets? What can/ can´t it do?
4 – Vocabulary:
Come to an understanding
What collocations are possible to make with “understanding”? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Get along
What does it mean?
Is there any other way to express the same idea? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you know other collocations using “get”? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
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Answer key
Lift the leg to anything
Wear a flea colar
Beg for food
Snif into crotches
Drink from toilet
Hooch can´t grow
Hooch canpt lift his/its leg to anything in the house
Hooch can´t slobbe
Hooch can´t chew
Hooch can´t beg for food
Hooch can´t snif into crotches
Hooch can´t drink from Turner´s toilet
Student´s personal answers
Reach an understanding - Come to an understanding - Have an understanding
Get along is to have a good relationship. To cope with.
Get over yourself, get lost, get up, get away with, get on, get in, get yourself together.
segunda-feira, 16 de setembro de 2013
The Big Bang Theory - Slangs, Fillers, Collocations and Idioms
Hey guys
I bring to you another segment from The Big Bang Theory. I can´t help it, it´s my favorite sitcom.
Well, I got more language elements regarding everyday life communication. Let´s take a look.
Sheldon is a guy who is extremely intelligent and never uses slangs and idioms, however in this video we´ll see how he tries to cope formal and informal language.
Watch the segment below and answer the following questions.
A. Slangs
How does he classify “what´s shaking?”
Penny uses another one. Which one?
Do you know others similar to this one? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Based on the video what is “Peace out”?
( ) greeting/ conversation opener ( ) farewell/ conversation closer
Do you know others? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
B. Collocations
Penny uses the collocation “freaking me out”. Do you any similar? _____________________________________________________________________________
Sheldon uses the collocation “striking up”. Do you know what it means? Any synonym? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
C. Taboo Language
What does “chit chat” mean? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What does “hook up” mean? Is there any other similar one? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
D. Fillers
In the video there are many fillers used. List them below. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What´s the function of “fillers”?
( ) get time to think
( ) encode formal messages
( ) change topics during the conversation
( ) prepare the listener for new topics
( ) use in instructions
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- Conversation opener
- Hey, S´Up
- Good morning, How is it hanging?, How is everthing?, Hi, How are things?, Good evening, Good afternoon
- Farewell/ Conversation closer
- Bye, See you later, So long, Later, Take care
- Scaring me, Scaring the crap out of me, Make me feel afraid
- It means "start". Initianing, begining
- Talk without any specific goal or any specific topic.
- To date someone. Make out, Night stand
- Oh, Well, Uh, See...,
- Get time to think, Prepare the listener for new topics, change topics during the conversation
I bring to you another segment from The Big Bang Theory. I can´t help it, it´s my favorite sitcom.
Well, I got more language elements regarding everyday life communication. Let´s take a look.
Sheldon is a guy who is extremely intelligent and never uses slangs and idioms, however in this video we´ll see how he tries to cope formal and informal language.
Watch the segment below and answer the following questions.
A. Slangs
How does he classify “what´s shaking?”
Penny uses another one. Which one?
Do you know others similar to this one? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Based on the video what is “Peace out”?
( ) greeting/ conversation opener ( ) farewell/ conversation closer
Do you know others? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
B. Collocations
Penny uses the collocation “freaking me out”. Do you any similar? _____________________________________________________________________________
Sheldon uses the collocation “striking up”. Do you know what it means? Any synonym? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
C. Taboo Language
What does “chit chat” mean? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What does “hook up” mean? Is there any other similar one? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
D. Fillers
In the video there are many fillers used. List them below. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
What´s the function of “fillers”?
( ) get time to think
( ) encode formal messages
( ) change topics during the conversation
( ) prepare the listener for new topics
( ) use in instructions
Download the video
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- Conversation opener
- Hey, S´Up
- Good morning, How is it hanging?, How is everthing?, Hi, How are things?, Good evening, Good afternoon
- Farewell/ Conversation closer
- Bye, See you later, So long, Later, Take care
- Scaring me, Scaring the crap out of me, Make me feel afraid
- It means "start". Initianing, begining
- Talk without any specific goal or any specific topic.
- To date someone. Make out, Night stand
- Oh, Well, Uh, See...,
- Get time to think, Prepare the listener for new topics, change topics during the conversation
segunda-feira, 9 de setembro de 2013
The Hangover - Wh-Questions
Hi guys
Today I bring to you a segment of a success. The Hangover, let´s work the Wh-Questions.
1 – Do you know the characters of the movie “The Hangover”? Match their names with the pictures.
Allan - Phil - Doug - Stuart
2 – Watch the video and answer the questions.
a- Where are they? ______________________________________________________
b- When is this event? ____________________________________________________
c- Who wakes up first? ___________________________________________________
d- When do they wake up? ________________________________________________
e- Where do they wake up? _______________________________________________
f- Where does Allan go? __________________________________________________
g- What does Allan see in there? ___________________________________________
h- Who does Allan fall over? _______________________________________________
i- Why does Allan run away from the bathroom? ______________________________
j- How is Stuart? ________________________________________________________
k- What is Stuart missing? _________________________________________________
l- Who goes wake Doug up? _______________________________________________
m- Where is Doug? _______________________________________________________
n- Whose phone rings? ___________________________________________________
3 – It is possible to see the verb “to look” being used some times in different meanings.
Phil: Look at this place
Stuart: I look like a nerdy hillbilly
Stuart: Look around you
a- What are the differences among these sentences? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b- Is there any other context to use “to look”? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Allan - Stuart - Doug - Phil
a- In Nevada; In Las Vegas
b- At night
c- Stuart wakes up first
d- In the morning
e- They wake up in the hotel room
f- Allan goes to the bathroom
g- Allan sees a tiger
h- Allan falls over Phil
i- Because of the tiger
j- He feels a lot of headache
k- He is missing a tooth
l- He goes wake up Doug
m- He is probably at the pool
n- Doug´s phone rings
Look at referes to direct eye contact
Look around refers to the movement of the place which surrounds them
Look like referes similarity
"Look for" is used in the same context of "search"
"Look" can be used to relate appereance
"Look up to" is used when you admire someone as a hero or a role model
Today I bring to you a segment of a success. The Hangover, let´s work the Wh-Questions.
1 – Do you know the characters of the movie “The Hangover”? Match their names with the pictures.
Allan - Phil - Doug - Stuart
2 – Watch the video and answer the questions.
a- Where are they? ______________________________________________________
b- When is this event? ____________________________________________________
c- Who wakes up first? ___________________________________________________
d- When do they wake up? ________________________________________________
e- Where do they wake up? _______________________________________________
f- Where does Allan go? __________________________________________________
g- What does Allan see in there? ___________________________________________
h- Who does Allan fall over? _______________________________________________
i- Why does Allan run away from the bathroom? ______________________________
j- How is Stuart? ________________________________________________________
k- What is Stuart missing? _________________________________________________
l- Who goes wake Doug up? _______________________________________________
m- Where is Doug? _______________________________________________________
n- Whose phone rings? ___________________________________________________
3 – It is possible to see the verb “to look” being used some times in different meanings.
Phil: Look at this place
Stuart: I look like a nerdy hillbilly
Stuart: Look around you
a- What are the differences among these sentences? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
b- Is there any other context to use “to look”? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Allan - Stuart - Doug - Phil
a- In Nevada; In Las Vegas
b- At night
c- Stuart wakes up first
d- In the morning
e- They wake up in the hotel room
f- Allan goes to the bathroom
g- Allan sees a tiger
h- Allan falls over Phil
i- Because of the tiger
j- He feels a lot of headache
k- He is missing a tooth
l- He goes wake up Doug
m- He is probably at the pool
n- Doug´s phone rings
Look at referes to direct eye contact
Look around refers to the movement of the place which surrounds them
Look like referes similarity
"Look for" is used in the same context of "search"
"Look" can be used to relate appereance
"Look up to" is used when you admire someone as a hero or a role model
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