1 – In this comic we can see a regular situation when having pets. Which situation is this?
2 – What did Garfield do with John´s things?
3 – List below the verbs in the Simple Past.
4 – Their context is:
( ) A present event
( ) A past event
( ) A future event
5 – What is the reason for both, Garfield and John´s frustrations?
6 – What´s the conclusion that John makes?
7 – “Those things” said by John makes reference to what? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8 – The expression “I can´t help it” means what?
( ) I can´t help your wishes
( ) It´s not possible to do what you want
( ) I can´t avoid doing this
9 – The question “What happened?” doesn´t use the auxiliary “did”. Why?
( ) Because it´s wrong
( ) In spoken conversations you can omit it
( ) Because the subject/ noun is “what”
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1- Pets like to eat, scratch things they see.
2- He scratched the record and ate the food.
3- Scratched, Ate, Happened, Fixed, Didn´t do
4- A past event
5- Humans don´t understand cats and cats don´t understand humans
6- Although Garfied destroys everything he see, John loves him.
7- The things Garfield does, also the ones he did in the comic.
8- I can´t avoid doing this
9- Because the subject/ noun is "what"
Muito bem, parabéns. Também sou professor de inglês e estava precisando com urgência de uma atividade assim e não estava com tempo para planejar. Obrigado.
ResponderExcluir1_Pets usually eat, scratch or break their owners' stuff.
ResponderExcluir2 - Garfield scratched John's vinyl, ate his lasagna and his fern plant.
3 - happened, scratched, fixed,
4 - a present event
5 - John is frustrated because his cat keeps eating and scratching his things, Garfield is frustrated because John doesn't understand that eating, breaking and scratching things are a part of his identity as a cat.
6 - John concludes that Garfield wouldn't be who he is if he didn't act like he does. He understands Garfield's nature as a cat
7 - Garfield scratching John's vinyl, eating the lasagna and the plant.
8 - I can't avoid doing this
9 - Because the subject/ noun is "what"
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