Hi guys
In this video I explain a complicated topic, speacially for brazilian students. This topic requires a lot of attetion and careful. Since there is no specific rule I just wrote some examples on commom verbs. Again, pay special attention to this topic and any questions at all, please contact me thru my blog and e-mail.
Exercises: http://www.agendaweb.org/verbs/infinitive_gerund-exercises.html

- Teacher Bruno Gon
- Vitória, ES, Brazil
- My name is Bruno, I´m a Brazilian English teacher specialized in Applied Linguistics. Currently I work for a language institute teaching adults and in a regular school teaching elementary and high school. I believe knowledge is something to be shared and that´s why I post my classes to everybody who wants to study/learn English. In the last years I counted and have been counting on many partners who are always there: Adriana Pin, Bhyanka Itaborahy, Claudio Azevedo (Movie Segments), Diego Cassionato (Inglês com Rock) and Dani Bertocchi... You guys are also "guilty" for it. THANK YOU.
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ResponderExcluirEu tenho dificuldade com o infinitive e o gerund. Eu vi em um filme a seguinte frase: "Who wants to go running?" Mas, como vem o "go" antes do "run", o certo não seria "to run"? Porque depois de go é infinitivo.
Se puder me ajudar.
Desde já agradeço.