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Vitória, ES, Brazil
My name is Bruno, I´m a Brazilian English teacher specialized in Applied Linguistics. Currently I work for a language institute teaching adults and in a regular school teaching elementary and high school. I believe knowledge is something to be shared and that´s why I post my classes to everybody who wants to study/learn English. In the last years I counted and have been counting on many partners who are always there: Adriana Pin, Bhyanka Itaborahy, Claudio Azevedo (Movie Segments), Diego Cassionato (Inglês com Rock) and Dani Bertocchi... You guys are also "guilty" for it. THANK YOU.


segunda-feira, 3 de maio de 2010

Present Continuous - Spelling and Pronunciation /ing/

Hello Guys
Long time no see.. I´ve been off for a few days.
In this video I explain to you how the spelling rules are applied in the Present Continuous. Where we eliminate letters, where we add them, where we double consonants and so on. Also I give you how we speak the /ing/ sound. Any suggestions, comments and questions.
Ola a todos
Nesse video eu explico como se aplica o ING no fim das palavras no Present Continuous e como é a pronuncia do mesmo. Espero que seja de grande ajuda a todos

2 comentários:

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