A Class by @TeacherBrunoGon and Teacher Dani Bertocchi
1 – Watch the first part of the segment (at night) and match the parts of the sentences and their images.
a- Do you realize that If Penny wakes up
b- If you want to avoid waking her
c- If you have time to lean
( ) speak in a lower register
( )you have time to clean
( ) there is no reasonable explanation as why we are here.
2 – Complete the sentences according to what happens in the videos and classify the sentences into If-clauses I, II or III.
If you speak loud, you _______________ her up (wake) ( )
If Penny cleaned her apartment, I ____________________ (come) here ( )
If it´s not his house, He __________________________ it (clean) ( )
If this situation disturbs Sheldon, he ______________________ (talk) to Penny ( )
If they don´t leave, Penny _____________________ (wake up) and see them ( )
If Sheldon hadn´t cleaned Penny´s apartment, he _______________________ (sleep) so well ( )
If Sheldon doesn´t understand sarcasm, Leonard _______________________ (tell) him that it is. ( )
If Leonard had Penny´s key, they _______________ (be) the responsible for the cleaning ( )
If they hadn´t gone into Penny´s apartment, she ________________ (be) so mad at them ( )
If what they did was wrong, they _______________________ (apologize) for their actions. ( )
3 – Answer the questions according to your personal opinions and justify:
If you did something wrong expecting something good, would you apologize for it? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you try to help a friend or relative If he/she doesn´t want?
Would you try to correct a bad mistake if you had the chance? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
4 – Vocabulary:
Do you know synonyms for the vocabulary/ expressions below?
Insane: _____________________________________________________________
Give back: __________________________________________________________
Remove: _____________________________________________________________
Full: _______________________________________________________________
Get out: ____________________________________________________________
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2- will/ may/ can wake
wouldn´t come
shouldn´t/ don´t have to clean
should talk
may/ can wake up
wouldn´t have slept
has to/ must tell
must be
wouldn´t have been
should/ have to/ must apologise
Personal answers
Crazy, Nuts, Lost mind, Mad
Take off, eliminate
Argument, debate, fight, conversation
Entire, whole, complete
Leave, get lost, get away

- Teacher Bruno Gon
- Vitória, ES, Brazil
- My name is Bruno, I´m a Brazilian English teacher specialized in Applied Linguistics. Currently I work for a language institute teaching adults and in a regular school teaching elementary and high school. I believe knowledge is something to be shared and that´s why I post my classes to everybody who wants to study/learn English. In the last years I counted and have been counting on many partners who are always there: Adriana Pin, Bhyanka Itaborahy, Claudio Azevedo (Movie Segments), Diego Cassionato (Inglês com Rock) and Dani Bertocchi... You guys are also "guilty" for it. THANK YOU.
quinta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2013
sexta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2013
The Pacifier - Sequence words
Hey guys
This is a segment I´ve used before, but now I´m focusing a different part of the language.
Have fun with this amazing movie.
1- Work with your students the vocabulary relating sequence words.
First – Second – Right after/ before – Afterwards – Next – To finish – Then – When
2- Watch the video and complete the paragraphs
Driving part:
____________ he fastens the seat belt and ______________ he says “go” and ____________ she starts driving the car around the parking lot. ______________ she stops the car he tells her to go backwards and ______________ she does it.
Girls in the garden:
_____________ he teaches the girls the basic movements, _______________ one of the girls punches him to practice. __________________ he shows 3 girls how to fight to 3 girls and _________________ all the girls are practicing and he´s watching. ______________ he says “go” all the girls started crawling. ________________ one of the girls kick his arm strongly
Play Rehearsal:
_____________ the couple is dancing and the director is observing, _____________ he is advising that they have to do to improve their performance. ________________ the cast is crawling on the floor. ___________________ he shows in a miniature stage how the actors are supposed to work and ___________________ he observes the final moves of 2 actors on stage.
Download the worksheet
Download the video
This is a segment I´ve used before, but now I´m focusing a different part of the language.
Have fun with this amazing movie.
1- Work with your students the vocabulary relating sequence words.
First – Second – Right after/ before – Afterwards – Next – To finish – Then – When
2- Watch the video and complete the paragraphs
Driving part:
____________ he fastens the seat belt and ______________ he says “go” and ____________ she starts driving the car around the parking lot. ______________ she stops the car he tells her to go backwards and ______________ she does it.
Girls in the garden:
_____________ he teaches the girls the basic movements, _______________ one of the girls punches him to practice. __________________ he shows 3 girls how to fight to 3 girls and _________________ all the girls are practicing and he´s watching. ______________ he says “go” all the girls started crawling. ________________ one of the girls kick his arm strongly
Play Rehearsal:
_____________ the couple is dancing and the director is observing, _____________ he is advising that they have to do to improve their performance. ________________ the cast is crawling on the floor. ___________________ he shows in a miniature stage how the actors are supposed to work and ___________________ he observes the final moves of 2 actors on stage.
Download the worksheet
Download the video
quarta-feira, 14 de agosto de 2013
Race to Witch Mountain - Modals and Collocations
Seth and Sarah are two aliens who are on Earth for a mission. Although they don´t intend to do anything harmful they are being chased by government agents. Seth and Sarah count on a taxi driver named Jack Bruno to help them.
1 – Watch the video segment and check St for Seth and Sr for Sarah according to their abilities and write the sentences.
( ) Fly - ______________________________________________________________________________
( ) Read peoples´ mind - _______________________________________________________________
( ) Manipulate fire - __________________________________________________________________
( ) Resist great impacts - _____________________________________________________________
( ) Pass through solid objects - _______________________________________________________
( ) Control peoples´ actions - _________________________________________________________
( ) Move objects using his/her mind - __________________________________________________
2 – The modal verb “can” can be replaced by:
( ) Be supposed to ( ) Be able to ( ) Recommend to ( ) be possible to
3 – In the sentence “They will overtake our vehicle…” there is the modal verb “will”. Its context is:
( ) Hypothesis ( ) Possibility ( ) Advice ( ) Inevitability
4 – In the sentences “It would appear we have not….” There is the modal verb “would”. Its context is:
( ) Hypothesis ( ) Possibility ( ) Obligation ( ) Inevitability
5 – The sentence “We should just keep moving” There is the modal verb “Should”. Its context is:
( ) Hypothesis ( ) Suggestion ( ) Ability ( ) Inevitability
“Should” can be replaced by:
( ) possible to ( ) recommend to ( ) suggest to ( ) be able to
6 – The sentence “We cannot trust him”. There is the modal verb “Can” in the negative. Its context is:
( ) Possibility ( ) Obligation ( ) Necessity ( ) Advice
“Cannot” can be replaced by:
( ) advice to ( ) suggest to ( ) impossible to ( ) possible to
7 – The sentence “We must”. There is the modal verb “Must”. Its context is:
( ) Obligation ( ) Possibility ( ) Hypothesis ( ) Suggestion
“Must” can be replaced by:
( ) Have to ( ) Advice to ( ) be able to ( ) recommend to
8 –The sentence “What could go wrong?” there is the modal verb “could”. Its context is:
( ) Remote possibility ( ) Obligation ( ) Necessity ( ) Inevitability
9 – The agent shouts “look out” during the scene. Do you synonyms of this phrasal verb? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10 – Do you know other phrasal verbs using the verb “to look”? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
11 – What does Jack Bruno mean when he says “get down”? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12 – Do you know other phrasal verbs using the verb “to get”? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Download the video
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Answer key
1- Read people´s mind - Sr - Sarah can read people´s mind
Resist great impacts - St - Seth can resist great impacts
Pass through solid objects - St - Seth can pass through solid objects
Move objects using his/her mind - sr - Sarah can move objects using her mind
2- be able to
Recommend to
Impossible to
Have to
8-Remote possibility
9-Watch out, Be careful
10-Look up, look for, look at, look around, look like, look beautiful...
11-He wants Seth and Sarah to protect themselves.
12-Get over, get lost, get yourself together, get real, get up, get in, get on, get out, get away...
1 – Watch the video segment and check St for Seth and Sr for Sarah according to their abilities and write the sentences.
( ) Fly - ______________________________________________________________________________
( ) Read peoples´ mind - _______________________________________________________________
( ) Manipulate fire - __________________________________________________________________
( ) Resist great impacts - _____________________________________________________________
( ) Pass through solid objects - _______________________________________________________
( ) Control peoples´ actions - _________________________________________________________
( ) Move objects using his/her mind - __________________________________________________
2 – The modal verb “can” can be replaced by:
( ) Be supposed to ( ) Be able to ( ) Recommend to ( ) be possible to
3 – In the sentence “They will overtake our vehicle…” there is the modal verb “will”. Its context is:
( ) Hypothesis ( ) Possibility ( ) Advice ( ) Inevitability
4 – In the sentences “It would appear we have not….” There is the modal verb “would”. Its context is:
( ) Hypothesis ( ) Possibility ( ) Obligation ( ) Inevitability
5 – The sentence “We should just keep moving” There is the modal verb “Should”. Its context is:
( ) Hypothesis ( ) Suggestion ( ) Ability ( ) Inevitability
“Should” can be replaced by:
( ) possible to ( ) recommend to ( ) suggest to ( ) be able to
6 – The sentence “We cannot trust him”. There is the modal verb “Can” in the negative. Its context is:
( ) Possibility ( ) Obligation ( ) Necessity ( ) Advice
“Cannot” can be replaced by:
( ) advice to ( ) suggest to ( ) impossible to ( ) possible to
7 – The sentence “We must”. There is the modal verb “Must”. Its context is:
( ) Obligation ( ) Possibility ( ) Hypothesis ( ) Suggestion
“Must” can be replaced by:
( ) Have to ( ) Advice to ( ) be able to ( ) recommend to
8 –The sentence “What could go wrong?” there is the modal verb “could”. Its context is:
( ) Remote possibility ( ) Obligation ( ) Necessity ( ) Inevitability
9 – The agent shouts “look out” during the scene. Do you synonyms of this phrasal verb? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
10 – Do you know other phrasal verbs using the verb “to look”? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
11 – What does Jack Bruno mean when he says “get down”? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12 – Do you know other phrasal verbs using the verb “to get”? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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Answer key
1- Read people´s mind - Sr - Sarah can read people´s mind
Resist great impacts - St - Seth can resist great impacts
Pass through solid objects - St - Seth can pass through solid objects
Move objects using his/her mind - sr - Sarah can move objects using her mind
2- be able to
Recommend to
Impossible to
Have to
8-Remote possibility
9-Watch out, Be careful
10-Look up, look for, look at, look around, look like, look beautiful...
11-He wants Seth and Sarah to protect themselves.
12-Get over, get lost, get yourself together, get real, get up, get in, get on, get out, get away...
terça-feira, 6 de agosto de 2013
Trust - Internet Language
A class by @TeacherBrunoGon and Teacher Dani Bertocchi
Internet and social networks are part of our lives today and Annie is not different of anybody else, as most of teenagers she likes to chat with friends online and use internet language.
1 – Do you have pen pals? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2 – What do you usually talk about? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3 – Do you talk with them every day? How often? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4 – Do you trust them? How do you know they can be trusted? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Watch the video for activities 5 and 6
5 – Check the internet words or sentences below and write their meaning.
( ) 2moro -( ) PWOMS - ( ) TTYL - ( ) AFK - ( ) BBL
( ) M2 - ( ) Brb - ( ) TY - ( ) B4 - ( ) btw
( ) LOL - ( ) ur - ( ) idk -( ) LMAO - ( ) OMG
6 – Now, create a dialogue on a chat page using internet language studied above. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Download the video
Download the worksheet
1 to 4
Personal answers
Appeared on the video:
PWOMS - Parent watching over my shoulder
TTYL - Talk to you later
M2 - Me too
TY - Thank you
LOL - Laughing out loud
ur - You are / Your (depends on context)
LMAO - Laughing my ass off
2moro - Tomorrow
AFK - Away from keyboard
BBL - Be back later
BRB - Be right back
B4 - Before
Btw - By the way
Idk - I don´t know
OMG - Oh my God
Personal answers
Postagens (Atom)