Desculpe a sumida do blog, tem um tempo que estou com um problema na câmera que utilizo para gravar as aulas, somado a uma recente alta atividade profissional e estudantil.
Aproveitando os fatos estou iniciando um segundo blog para começar a postar textos sobre ensino-aprendizagem-aquisição baseados em meus estudos e experiência profissional.
Pretendo deixar os 2 blogs linkados.

- Teacher Bruno Gon
- Vitória, ES, Brazil
- My name is Bruno, I´m a Brazilian English teacher specialized in Applied Linguistics. Currently I work for a language institute teaching adults and in a regular school teaching elementary and high school. I believe knowledge is something to be shared and that´s why I post my classes to everybody who wants to study/learn English. In the last years I counted and have been counting on many partners who are always there: Adriana Pin, Bhyanka Itaborahy, Claudio Azevedo (Movie Segments), Diego Cassionato (Inglês com Rock) and Dani Bertocchi... You guys are also "guilty" for it. THANK YOU.
segunda-feira, 22 de agosto de 2011
segunda-feira, 1 de agosto de 2011
English Context - Descriptions
Hey guys
I´ve been a little away because I was on vacation and also in my honeymoon (yeah, I got married YAAAY)
So, no more chit-chat... this new class is about descriptions both physical and personality.
Check it out
I´ve been a little away because I was on vacation and also in my honeymoon (yeah, I got married YAAAY)
So, no more chit-chat... this new class is about descriptions both physical and personality.
Check it out
quinta-feira, 7 de julho de 2011
English Context - Personal Information
Hey guys
In this class I show you what are the common questions we ask and are asked and their answers. Take a look at
In this class I show you what are the common questions we ask and are asked and their answers. Take a look at
quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2011
English Context - Farewells
Hi there guys
In the second class of Context i talk about Farewells or Saying "Good Bye" to someone.
In the video I present many ways of doing this in spoken and written conversations
In the second class of Context i talk about Farewells or Saying "Good Bye" to someone.
In the video I present many ways of doing this in spoken and written conversations
sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2011
English Contexts - Greetings
Hey guys
As promised I´m starting the new sequence of classes which will deal with contexts and vocabulary used rather and pure grammar.
In this class I start explain Greetings, which is: How to start a conversation
As promised I´m starting the new sequence of classes which will deal with contexts and vocabulary used rather and pure grammar.
In this class I start explain Greetings, which is: How to start a conversation
quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011
New classes
Hey guys
Vou falar em português nesse post.
Agora iniciarei uma nova sequência de aulas no blog, que serão voltadas para comunicação e contexto. Então todas as postagens não terão enfoque gramatical, mas sim contextual.
Aprenderemos varias formas de cumprimentar, falar de sí mesmo, inciar e fechar conversas, bares, restaurantes, aeroportos, expressar opinião, concordar e descordar entre muitos outros.
Essas aulas trarão principalmente vocabulário e como usa-lo, os níveis de formalidade e aceitação dos mesmos.
Aproveito também e deixar um enorme agradecimento aos últimos comentários que recebi sobre as aulas de Adjectives x Adverbs, valeu mesmo.
Um grande obrigado aos alunos que sempre visitam o blog, que comentam, que deixam seu voto na enquete mesmo para fazerem críticas. As críticas que fazem o blog ser melhor cada vez mais.
Aos comentários gostaria de pedir que os "anônimos" se identificassem, pois acredito ser muito importante esse contato.
Ao meu blog parceiro English Tips; Self Taught um grande obrigado pela sua parceiria comigo. É de um valor inestimável. Valeu mesmo pelo carinho.
ALUNOS. Aguardo vossos e-mails com todas as dúvidas que vocês possam ter, podem me escrever em português se quiserem. Dúvidas devem ser tiradas e não existem dúvidas bobas.
Vou falar em português nesse post.
Agora iniciarei uma nova sequência de aulas no blog, que serão voltadas para comunicação e contexto. Então todas as postagens não terão enfoque gramatical, mas sim contextual.
Aprenderemos varias formas de cumprimentar, falar de sí mesmo, inciar e fechar conversas, bares, restaurantes, aeroportos, expressar opinião, concordar e descordar entre muitos outros.
Essas aulas trarão principalmente vocabulário e como usa-lo, os níveis de formalidade e aceitação dos mesmos.
Aproveito também e deixar um enorme agradecimento aos últimos comentários que recebi sobre as aulas de Adjectives x Adverbs, valeu mesmo.
Um grande obrigado aos alunos que sempre visitam o blog, que comentam, que deixam seu voto na enquete mesmo para fazerem críticas. As críticas que fazem o blog ser melhor cada vez mais.
Aos comentários gostaria de pedir que os "anônimos" se identificassem, pois acredito ser muito importante esse contato.
Ao meu blog parceiro English Tips; Self Taught um grande obrigado pela sua parceiria comigo. É de um valor inestimável. Valeu mesmo pelo carinho.
ALUNOS. Aguardo vossos e-mails com todas as dúvidas que vocês possam ter, podem me escrever em português se quiserem. Dúvidas devem ser tiradas e não existem dúvidas bobas.
domingo, 19 de junho de 2011
Adjective Order
Hi there guys
In the second class about Adjectives, I talk about their order in the sentence.
Pay attention to it because It´s not complicated. It´s preety simple in fact
In the second class about Adjectives, I talk about their order in the sentence.
Pay attention to it because It´s not complicated. It´s preety simple in fact
domingo, 12 de junho de 2011
Adjectives x Adverbs
Hey guys
Real long time, right? Sorry I have been away. It´s been hard to find time to record classes with the school to take care and my grad school.
Well, today I talk about the difference between Adverbs and Adjectives, I know many students confuse these topics, but here I´ll show how they work
Real long time, right? Sorry I have been away. It´s been hard to find time to record classes with the school to take care and my grad school.
Well, today I talk about the difference between Adverbs and Adjectives, I know many students confuse these topics, but here I´ll show how they work
sábado, 28 de maio de 2011
segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2011
A little away
Hey guys
Desculpem eu estar um pouco afastado do blog em relação a postagem de vídeos aula. Desde que iniciei minha pós-graduação tudo está muito corrido e também estou organizando um work shop para professores sobre fonética. Está ficando muito legal o work shop e acredito que será um sucesso.
Mesmo que no momento eu não esteja postando as video aulas, eu estou sempre conferindo o blog para eventuais comentários, dúvidas, sugestões, críticas e etc.
Agradeço a todos o apoio que sempre recebi
Desculpem eu estar um pouco afastado do blog em relação a postagem de vídeos aula. Desde que iniciei minha pós-graduação tudo está muito corrido e também estou organizando um work shop para professores sobre fonética. Está ficando muito legal o work shop e acredito que será um sucesso.
Mesmo que no momento eu não esteja postando as video aulas, eu estou sempre conferindo o blog para eventuais comentários, dúvidas, sugestões, críticas e etc.
Agradeço a todos o apoio que sempre recebi
sexta-feira, 29 de abril de 2011
Thank you online stundents
Hey guys
I´m here today only to thank you guys who wrote me for the past year.
People who made compliments, criticisms, suggestions and even a simple "liked your blog". All comments are welcomed and well received.
Many people leave/left comments on you tube or here on the blog, and this is helping keep the blog working well.
It´s something that I do with pleasure because I don´t have any financial support to do it, It´s just because I LOVE TEACHING and seeing comments that you guys are understanding the topics I explain even when the sound doesn´t help at all is a pleasure which can´t be measured.
I´m here today only to thank you guys who wrote me for the past year.
People who made compliments, criticisms, suggestions and even a simple "liked your blog". All comments are welcomed and well received.
Many people leave/left comments on you tube or here on the blog, and this is helping keep the blog working well.
It´s something that I do with pleasure because I don´t have any financial support to do it, It´s just because I LOVE TEACHING and seeing comments that you guys are understanding the topics I explain even when the sound doesn´t help at all is a pleasure which can´t be measured.
quarta-feira, 20 de abril de 2011
Future Perfect Continuous
Hey guys
To finish the Future sequence of classes, I talk about the Future Perfect Continuous. I´m giving some examples and drawing time lines to you guys have a better look at.
To finish the Future sequence of classes, I talk about the Future Perfect Continuous. I´m giving some examples and drawing time lines to you guys have a better look at.
quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011
Future Perfect
Hey guys
In the Future sequence of classes I talk about Future Perfect today. Take on it to see how does it work.
Next class I´ll let some exercises link to contrast with the next topic
In the Future sequence of classes I talk about Future Perfect today. Take on it to see how does it work.
Next class I´ll let some exercises link to contrast with the next topic
sexta-feira, 8 de abril de 2011
Future Continuous
Hi guys
Moving on to the future, I explain today Future Continuous and also I start with Simple Future explaining something I forgot to mention last class.
Future Continuous is really simple and I hope all your doubts will be clarified.
Moving on to the future, I explain today Future Continuous and also I start with Simple Future explaining something I forgot to mention last class.
Future Continuous is really simple and I hope all your doubts will be clarified.
sexta-feira, 1 de abril de 2011
Simple Future
Hey guys
As I promised here is the class.
I recorded a sequence of class that will make it covered for some weeks.
Well, in this class I´m taking about Future Simple using "Will" and "Be going to".
Take a look, it´s really simple
As I promised here is the class.
I recorded a sequence of class that will make it covered for some weeks.
Well, in this class I´m taking about Future Simple using "Will" and "Be going to".
Take a look, it´s really simple
terça-feira, 22 de março de 2011
Bom dia a todos
Devido a uma viagem e um pequeno problema de saúde fiquei impedido de gravar aulas semana passada e nessa semana. Semana que vem estarei com mais aulas gravadas para postar no blog.
Obrigado a todos
Devido a uma viagem e um pequeno problema de saúde fiquei impedido de gravar aulas semana passada e nessa semana. Semana que vem estarei com mais aulas gravadas para postar no blog.
Obrigado a todos
quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2011
If Clauses - Class 03
Hi Guys
Well, Have you rested or had a lot of fun during Carnival??
I took some rest and it was great
Today I close the If clause classes sequence with If clauses type 3 and also I contrast all If clauses to make their difference clear.
Well, Have you rested or had a lot of fun during Carnival??
I took some rest and it was great
Today I close the If clause classes sequence with If clauses type 3 and also I contrast all If clauses to make their difference clear.
sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2011
If-Clauses- Class 02
Hi guys
Here I give you the second class on If Clauses, where I talk about If Clauses type 2.
Take a look, it demands a complete analysis of the context.
Here I give you the second class on If Clauses, where I talk about If Clauses type 2.
Take a look, it demands a complete analysis of the context.
quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2011
If - Clauses. Class 01
Hi guys
I´m back finally with the classes and I must say I missed you a lot.
Indeed I had some vacation time but I was swamped working lately.
In this video class I´ll teach you how to work If-Clauses, more specifically type 1.
Take a look in there.
PS: Follow my twitter @teacherbrunogon, there I also post tips and updates from the blog as well.
I´m back finally with the classes and I must say I missed you a lot.
Indeed I had some vacation time but I was swamped working lately.
In this video class I´ll teach you how to work If-Clauses, more specifically type 1.
Take a look in there.
PS: Follow my twitter @teacherbrunogon, there I also post tips and updates from the blog as well.
segunda-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2011
Coming Back
Hi Guys
Really long time no seeing each other.
After X-Mas ans New years and a lot of work in the begining of the year, I´m coming back to the video classes and the blog.
I received some e-mails and comments on the classes and I would like to thank everybody who sent them. Thank you all.
The news is that I finally stated my Post-graduation in Applied Linguistics.
Well, this week I restart recording the classes from where I stopped and I hope to see many e-mails and comments with doubts and suggestions to make this blog even better.
I would like to recommend this website, pretty much helpful for beginners.
Really long time no seeing each other.
After X-Mas ans New years and a lot of work in the begining of the year, I´m coming back to the video classes and the blog.
I received some e-mails and comments on the classes and I would like to thank everybody who sent them. Thank you all.
The news is that I finally stated my Post-graduation in Applied Linguistics.
Well, this week I restart recording the classes from where I stopped and I hope to see many e-mails and comments with doubts and suggestions to make this blog even better.
I would like to recommend this website, pretty much helpful for beginners.
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