Galera, devido a problemas de força maior terei que parar as atividades do blog por 3 semanas. Mas não se preocupem em agosto eu estarei de volta com mais aulas. Estarei no meu e-mail durante esse período em caso de contatos.
Obrigado a todos pelo apoio, as pessoas que sempre visitam meu blog para estudar e tirar duvidas. Meus agradecimentos de coração.
Hey guys, due external reason I´ll have to stop uploading my blog for some weeks, but in august I´ll be back with more video classes for you. While that you can still e-mail me.
Thank you all for you consideration, the people whom always come to my blog to study and solve doubts. I deeply appreciate that.

- Teacher Bruno Gon
- Vitória, ES, Brazil
- My name is Bruno, I´m a Brazilian English teacher specialized in Applied Linguistics. Currently I work for a language institute teaching adults and in a regular school teaching elementary and high school. I believe knowledge is something to be shared and that´s why I post my classes to everybody who wants to study/learn English. In the last years I counted and have been counting on many partners who are always there: Adriana Pin, Bhyanka Itaborahy, Claudio Azevedo (Movie Segments), Diego Cassionato (Inglês com Rock) and Dani Bertocchi... You guys are also "guilty" for it. THANK YOU.
quinta-feira, 15 de julho de 2010
sexta-feira, 9 de julho de 2010
Asking questions
Hi guys
This is a doubt to beginners. How can we ask questions? It´s easier than it looks. The key is identifying the information, with this step done and understanding the wh-questions uses it´s very easy to ask the questions.
Ola pessoal
Essa é uma duvida muito comum para quem está começando a estudar o idioma. Como se faz as perguntas? É mais simples que parece, basta reconhecer as informações na frase e o uso das questões Wh.
This is a doubt to beginners. How can we ask questions? It´s easier than it looks. The key is identifying the information, with this step done and understanding the wh-questions uses it´s very easy to ask the questions.
Ola pessoal
Essa é uma duvida muito comum para quem está começando a estudar o idioma. Como se faz as perguntas? É mais simples que parece, basta reconhecer as informações na frase e o uso das questões Wh.
domingo, 4 de julho de 2010
Modal Verbs - Must and Have to
Hi guys
This is the last class about Modal Verbs and I´m closing them with Must and Have to.
In this video I explain their context and give some examples and their differences, since we can´t use Must and Have to in the same context for everything.
Now that the Modal Classes are over there is one thing you have to remember. Study modals isolated is easy, but when you have them all together can be complicated. So the best thing you can do is: Pay Attettion to the context; analyze all the sentences before and after the modal verb to see if you anwser is correct.
Here are the exercises for you.
Any questions, comments and suggestions. Contact me:
This is the last class about Modal Verbs and I´m closing them with Must and Have to.
In this video I explain their context and give some examples and their differences, since we can´t use Must and Have to in the same context for everything.
Now that the Modal Classes are over there is one thing you have to remember. Study modals isolated is easy, but when you have them all together can be complicated. So the best thing you can do is: Pay Attettion to the context; analyze all the sentences before and after the modal verb to see if you anwser is correct.
Here are the exercises for you.
Any questions, comments and suggestions. Contact me:
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